Tuesday, 10 July 2012

That Motivating Mirror

You know how some people put skinny photos of themselves on the fridge to stop themselves eating naughty food, and how some people put encouraging words around the house to motivate them? Well my BF has gone that one step further…. He put a bloody massive mirror at the end of the hallway!

I can’t go to the toilet or bedroom without seeing every single bit of myself. This thing is seriously insane! It is about two doors wide and about a door and a half high. I know these aren’t exact measurements but I am not sure how else to explain it without getting a tape measure out and that is just too hard right now.

So I assume he thinks I am going to take a good long look at myself and go right, that’s it, time to restart that fabulous diet again. I am sure he means well and is doing what he can to motivate me but I am not sure this is going to work.

I did walk down the hallway last night with my eyes closed but that isn’t going to work because I am not overly coordinated. I will run into the mirror eventually  because the bedroom door runs off to the left. The toilet runs off to the right of the mirror so as you can see, he has positioned this beautifully. There is no avoiding it.

So anyhoo, this morning after my shower, I realised I didn’t have the clothes required for my day and left the bathroom in a towel. Now, this should have been enough for me to give up eating for a month at least but all I could focus on was how long my hair was getting. It is looking marvellous I must say.

Not really working the way BF imagined hey?

My feeling is though, it may just work somewhat because every so often I have caught a glimpse of myself and wondered who the hell is walking toward me! And then I realise it is the fat me and not the skinny me.

Tomorrow I might consider that diet again but in the meantime, my hair is growing nicely and I can see it well now J

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