My body is very annoying ok? It really annoyed me today especially. I’ll tell you why.
It was my lunch break and as I was about to leave to enjoy some fresh air and a spot of shopping, a lovely work mate who I shall call IR gave me a gluten free, yoghurt covered, apricot thing.
Before you start flapping your gums at how naughty that was let me tell you I DESERVED IT OK! MY PERIOD IS DUE AND I AM SICK OF SALAD OK? AND I AM SICK OF FISH OK? AND SICK OF WATER OK?
So anyway, I had this tiny little treat and off I went on my walk. Luckily I decided I was rich and should shop at Myer because my stomach started to have a little doosh doosh party (that is a music party with lots of bass ok?) and I thought, oh no, we are going to have an incident soon.
I found the toilets and thank goodness there was hardly anyone in there because BOY did I make some noise in there. That tiny little treat had reeked havoc on my poor body and everything needed to get out as quickly as possible. Being a public toilet, I didn’t mind too much about the noise I was making (I wasn’t going to see any of these people again anyway) but PHEW, the smell was disgusting! I had to flush a couple of times to clear the air and start again.
Seriously, you’d think that going back on to my good diet only a few days ago wouldn’t have detoxed my body to the point that it is going to freak out with such a small treat would you? Well let me tell you, it did and I was completely exhausted after that. Thank goodness everyone had departed the toilets because when I walked out, anyone would have thought I had just had sexy time in the cubicle. I looked quite hot and bothered and frazzled hehe.
This morning I weighed myself and I had gotten back to the weight of 80.2 kilos and I super duper want to run home and weigh myself again now because I can almost guarantee that I pooped out more than 200 grams!
Cross your fingers that I have finally gotten under 80 Kilos please!
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